PayPal Digital Downloads is a script that allows you to sell digital products directly on your website. With this script you don’t have to install complicated shopping carts and create their design to match your website. PayPal Digital Downloads is the easiest and perfect way to distribute digital products for download and monetize website.
### 2 versions included ###
Version 1. Modern (on the demo)
Version 2. Simple (Bootstrap, on the demo) with Free Download System
### Requirements ###
An web server with at least PHP 5.5+ or PHP 7.x+ and Apache or IIS.
### Informations ###
Recently PayPal's payment gateway is causing some problem with processing the payment. When I was creating it, PayPal didn't even send me any data back to my return_url. I hope it gets fixed soon or if I'm missing something, let me know in the comments.
### Features ###
•. IPN
•. File uploader with file name and price.
•. Return page.
•. File downloading after payment.
•. Download link expires after 24 hours of purchase.
•. Purchase receipt on email [Buyer's PayPal email].
•. Uses cookies for processing payments
•. Protected files & folders
•. Login/Register System
•. Protected settings & upload pages
•. Free Download
Recently PayPal's payment gateway is causing some problem with processing the payment. When I was creating it, PayPal didn't even send me any data back to my return_url. I hope it gets fixed soon or if I'm missing something, let me know in the comments.